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2023年4月5日 星期三

Growing with Perseverance 毅力培養The Carrot Seed


歡迎來到卡卡老師的教學部落格!今天我們要認真介紹我們在英桃小玩子首播所分享的繪本The Carrot Seed《胡蘿蔔種子》的英語教學教案。



《胡蘿蔔種子》是由Ruth Krauss和Crockett Johnson合作創作的經典圖畫書,故事的主要情節圍繞著一顆小小的胡蘿蔔種子。故事開始時,一個小男孩在花園中種下了一顆胡蘿蔔種子,並充滿了期待地等待著它長成一株大胡蘿蔔。然而,他的家人都對他的種子持懷疑態度,認為這顆種子不會發芽,因此勸他不要再浪費時間。但小男孩卻始終保持著耐心和毅力,不斷地照料這顆胡蘿蔔種子,最終,他的耐心和堅持得到了回報,一株健壯的胡蘿蔔長出來了,讓他感到非常驚喜和自豪。



  1. 閱讀理解:學生能夠理解故事的基本情節、角色和情感。

  2. 字彙擴充:學生能夠學習並使用與故事相關的新詞語,如種子、胡蘿蔔、耐心等。

  3. 領悟主題:學生能夠理解故事的主題和寓意,並從中獲得啟示,如耐心和堅持的重要性。

Students will be able to identify the main message of "The Carrot Seed" and demonstrate an understanding of perseverance and self-belief by discussing the story and engaging in a related activity.


A. Pre-Reading閱讀前:

  1. 猜謎遊戲引起興趣Guessing Game: 猜猜看這是什麼水果或是蔬菜的種子?(多出幾題,引燃課堂氣氛)

2. 腦力激盪Brainstorm: Begin by asking students if they have ever planted anything before. Encourage them to share their experiences.

      3.單字教學Vocabulary: Introduce the target words using flashcards, and encourage students to repeat the words and make sentences using them.

4. 預測Predictions: Show the cover of the book and ask students to make predictions about what the story will be about.

B. During-Reading閱讀中:

  1. Read-Aloud朗讀繪本內容: Read the book aloud to the class, stopping at certain points to ask questions and clarify any misunderstandings.

  2. Guided Questions引導式提問: Use the guided questions mentioned earlier to facilitate a deeper understanding of the story.

    1. What did the boy's family say when he told them he was going to plant a carrot seed?

    2. What did the boy do every day after he planted the seed?

    3. How did the boy feel when his family said the carrot wouldn't grow?

    4. What happened when the boy's carrot finally grew?

    5. How did the boy's family react when they saw the carrot?

    6. What lesson can be learned from the story about perseverance and self-belief?

    7. Do you think the story would be different if the main character were a girl? Why or why not?

    8. What are some other things that people might plant in a garden besides carrots?

    9. Have you ever planted anything before? If so, what did you plant?

    10. What is your favorite thing to eat that comes from a garden?

C. After-Reading閱讀後:

  1. 用學習單再一次理解故事內容: Ask students to retell the story in their own words, emphasizing key details and events.

  2. Conclusion結論:

  1. 學生生活經驗分享Have students share their experiences with growing their carrot seeds and reflect on the importance of perseverance and self-belief.

  2. 故事大意總結Summarize the main message of the story and encourage students to continue to practice these skills in their daily lives.

3.  Assessmen學習單評量

D. Extension Activity延伸活動:

  1. Carrot Tasting蘿蔔品嘗: Bring in a variety of different types of carrots and have students taste and compare them. Encourage them to describe the taste, texture, and appearance of each type of carrot using the target words.

  2. Planting Carrots種植胡蘿蔔: Have students work in pairs or small groups to plant carrot seeds in a garden or planter box. This can help reinforce the concepts of planting, watering, and taking care of plants, as well as the importance of patience and faith.

  3. Story Retelling故事重述: Divide students into small groups and have each group retell a different part of the story using their own words and illustrations. This can help reinforce comprehension and creativity.

  4. Carrot Recipe胡蘿蔔食譜: Have students work in pairs or small groups to come up with a carrot recipe, using the target words to describe the ingredients and cooking process. They can present their recipes to the class and even make a sample dish to share. This can help reinforce the target words and encourage teamwork and creativity.

英桃小玩子第一集EP01 班級經營與The Carrot Seed

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